Ugh, raging hangover...But as always, I have my good friend J to thank for a night of fun and frolic on the town.

Ladies and Gents, Meet J
Vital Stats :
Years of friendship: Almost 2
Hometown: St. Louie
Occupation: Sexpot and fashionista
Special talent: Bargain shopping (I'm taking notes)
How we met: How else? Abony
Favorite memory with J: The "Club AJ" Party (aka Sausagefest 2k5) in the Boom Boom Room
What's next: Who knows? According to J, "The summer is young..."
Why I love J:
- She says things like: "Let's be honest. My ass is never going to look this good again."
- She has impeccable fashion sense and a knack for accessorizing
- She's always up for a bottle of Prosecco and dancing (hip hop, please!)
- She doesn't mind if I say to the guy on the dance floor: "Actually, no, she doesn't want to dance with you."
- A night out with J = No waiting at the velvet rope and VIP status
- She introduces me to fun/interesting people
- She knows what she's worth and has no time for men who can't recognize that.
- She can turn my day from zero to awesome in 5.2 seconds flat.
- She's generous with compliments ("Ari, you look RETRO hot!")
- Her dad went to HBS (clearly we were meant to be friends. LOL)