- Moved recently
- Joined match.com (it's really not as psycho as you think)
- Sunbathed on the beach while secretly hoping for more than five minutes that I would sink into the sand and never reappear
- Considered a serious life change
- Postponed said life change in favor of manipulating the system for a bit longer and "milk it" for all its worth
- Watched way too much tv and pondered whether it really rots your brain
- Sighed with happiness
- Wanted to rip someone's eyes out of their head
- Driven through farmland
- Googled a crush...several times
- Drunk way too much Starbucks coffee
- Started reading a ridiculously long and academic-type book...for fun
- Wanted to fly
- Run for my life
- Cried to my mom on the phone
- Rolled my eyes at someone else's idiocy
- Danced in my bedroom
- Been serenaded by guitar in the woods (very romantique!)
- Told my best friend I love her
- Walked to the metro station
- Had eye sex with a stranger
- Taken a friend with benefits that is "bad for my soul" (but I told him so first)
- Watched my brother graduate from high school and known that I was happier for him than he has been/will ever be for me
- Seen every current movie in the theatre that I had a desire to see
- Cheated the system
- Watched a grown man cry...and felt inexpressable joy that he shared that with me
- Been dumped...twice...and counting...
- Seriously considered that I may be single for the rest of my life
- Overeaten
- Obssessed about my weight
- Called a boy one too many times
- Bought many things I did not need
- Fantasized regularly
- Blushed and laughed
- Been called "genuine"
- Sung at the top of my lungs
- Seen a photograph and pondered the story behind it
- Prayed
- Passed a homeless person without ignoring him but lied about having money to give him
- Felt ashamed of my country's leaders
- Not resolved my anger over Hurricane Katrina
- Cried because not everyone has access to quality healthcare
- Too many pairs of shoes
- Drunken Prosecco with a good friend
- Watched two of my best friends make out with each other
- Canceled one gym membership to join another
- Lost touch with loved ones
- Called an old friend
- Networked my ass off
- Not let go of a number of girlish crushes
- Been to Greece and thought that the Aegean Sea looks like blue raspberry Jello
- Argued with my parents
- Considered that writing may be my true calling (and no, I don't really care for your opinion on that)
- A serious addiction to Pinkisthenewblog.com
- Decided that the birth of a celebrity baby does not qualify as "breaking news" suitable for distribution on a certain reputable 24-hour cable news network.
- Managed to find something wrong with all MBA programs except Harvard's
- Made my parents proud
- Not learned to cook enough
- Stopped to smell the roses (I'm not kidding. My neighbors have the most beautiful bushes...)
- Asked for forgiveness
- Worked really hard
- Exceeded my monthly cell phone minutes
- Felt lonely...often
- Not been kissed nearly enough
- Learned to love me just as I am
That was cathartic. I'll probably make another list every once in a while.
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