Ladies and gents, meet M
Vital Stats
Years of Friendship: 10 and counting...
Hometown: ATL
Prized Possessions: iPod Nano and VW bug convertible (so hawt!)
Celebrity Crush: Dr. Phil
Secret (or not-so-secret) obsession: Starbucks
Special talent: Giving people nicknames (my personal faves: Chubs, R-Head, French Wanker, Happy Bastard, and Doobie)
How we met: 9th grade homeroom. It was just downhill from there. We always got in trouble for talking during the afternoon announcements.
Where we've gone together: Destin, Zurich, Greece, and next year - Australia!
What's next: Being bridesmaids in E's wedding. Sounds like trouble...
Favorite memory with M: Dancing at my parents' 50th birthday party
Big plans: M and I are retiring to a beach house eventually...haven't decided yet if our husbands/boyfriends/lovers/cabana-boys are invited.
Why I love M
- She puts up with me, which is not always easy to do
- She doesn't mind if I drunk dial her or complain about man problems
- She has big dreams and a bigger heart
- She loves animals
- She has an awesome family
- She makes me laugh and kick my feet
- She misses me when I'm gone
- She has grown so much in the time I have known her
- She will look at this post and say, "R, thanks for the shoutout...but couldn't you have picked a different photo of me?"
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