Recently I have:
- Rented a U-Haul
- Been on a roadtrip
- Had trouble sleeping
- Seen a funny movie with a good friend
- Had a hissy fit
- Hurt someone who loves me and begged for forgiveness
- Been angry
- Been jealous
- Doubted my self-worth
- Been humiliated and ignored and offended
- Been cut off emotionally
- Worrying and biting my nails
- Been spending lots of time with Molly
- Been spending lots of time with Charla
- Seen Beyonce and Robin Thicke live in concert
- Had too much to drink
- Met a cadre of new people
- Had butterflies in my stomach and alternately, that sinking feeling
- Encountered a former coworker
- Not been working out as much as I would like
- Been trying to avoid social networking sites for my own well-being
- Had a philosophical/political debate with my intellectual equal
- Been tricked into a kiss, and I followed it up with a swift kick to the nads
- Seriously considered the possibility that there is something wrong with my outlook on this whole love thing
- Bought a laptop (er, had grandma gift one to me)
- Said goodbye to a friend
- Said goodbye to my favorite city, Washington, DC
- Asked myself: "Is healthcare a right or a privilege?"
- Wondered where the hell my money has gone
- Completed four online courses required for registration in my MBA program, along with a lengthy checklist of "Honey-Do's"
- Played along
- Patronized someone
- Wondered what the hell just happened
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