Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's a Small World After All: Or Sangria Brings Out the Truth

I am still reeling from the shocking encounter I had last night!

A few weeks ago, I went to an HBS happy hour in Buckhead to meet some alums and prospective students. One young lady, T, turned out to be a Gtown alum who was there when I was, but we didn't know each other. We swapped info and decided to meet up for drinks and tapas at Noche, one of my favorite places in Virginia Highlands. Well, after too many sangrias (for me) and some yummy dishes, the weirdest thing happened.

Last night, after we grew tired of discussing b-school applications and GMAT scores, T and I got onto the topic of growing up in Atlanta. She mentioned she went to Pace Academy. I said, "Oh! My ex went to Pace. Do you know O?" Well, not only did she know him, but her best friend, who also went to Pace, lives near him in another state and is still good friends with him. T even recalled hearing about "some girl up in DC" that O was dating. And there I was, sitting in front of her a year later! How extraordinary. The two of us could not get over the coincidence.

Straight out of the Twilight Zone, I tell ya...

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