Monday, August 13, 2007

Lyrical Whimsy: Or Everything I need to Know About Ari can be summed up by a James Morrison Song

"Once you've had a taste there's no going back." - Under the influence

"You give me something that makes me scared alright...this could be nothing, but I'm willing to give it a try." - You give me something

"Sometimes I just feel so full of love/it just comes spilling out/ It's uncomfortable to see/ I give it away so easily." - Wonderful World

"I can't explain why it's not enough/Coz I gave it all to you/And if you leave me now/ Oh just leave me now/ It's the better thing to do." - The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore

"I've got one last chance to get myself together/I can't lose no more time it's now or never/ And I try to remember/who I used to be" - One last chance

"I'm not lost/Just undiscovered" - Undiscovered

"I can't forget her." - The letter

"I can't do nothing if I can't do something my the police/coz I've lost control/and I really wanna see you bleed." - Call the police

"I'm still here/but it hasn't been easy/I'm sure that you had your reasons/I'm scared/Of all this emotion/For years I've been holding it down/I love to forgive and forget so I/try to put all this behind us just/know that my arms are wide open/ the older I get, the more that I know/ It's time to let this go." - This boy


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wait for the Beep: Or Why I Hate Customer Non-Service

I think people on the other end of the customer service hotline hate talking to me as much as I hate waiting on hold to tell them my problem so they can fix it. Surely we can come to some sort of mutual agreement?

And whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is it that I'm generally on hold for something my dad needs done? No comprendo.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Happy Trails to Me: Or Last Day at Work

When I woke up this morning, it suddenly dawned on me that today would be my last day at work...for threeeeeeee years (okay, not counting summer internships). That seems like a long time, but I bet it will fly by so quickly.

I am quite sad at the thought of leaving my current position. I work in a hospital with a bunch of really great people, and they seem pretty bummed that I am leaving...maybe that's just because they haven't hired my replacement yet.

But I am also over-the-moon excited about all the new changes coming up in my life. Suddenly any door I want to enter could potentially swing open - and I just have to figure out where to start. Here goes nothing.

Well, maybe I'll take a little beach vacation first. :)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's a Small World After All: Or Sangria Brings Out the Truth

I am still reeling from the shocking encounter I had last night!

A few weeks ago, I went to an HBS happy hour in Buckhead to meet some alums and prospective students. One young lady, T, turned out to be a Gtown alum who was there when I was, but we didn't know each other. We swapped info and decided to meet up for drinks and tapas at Noche, one of my favorite places in Virginia Highlands. Well, after too many sangrias (for me) and some yummy dishes, the weirdest thing happened.

Last night, after we grew tired of discussing b-school applications and GMAT scores, T and I got onto the topic of growing up in Atlanta. She mentioned she went to Pace Academy. I said, "Oh! My ex went to Pace. Do you know O?" Well, not only did she know him, but her best friend, who also went to Pace, lives near him in another state and is still good friends with him. T even recalled hearing about "some girl up in DC" that O was dating. And there I was, sitting in front of her a year later! How extraordinary. The two of us could not get over the coincidence.

Straight out of the Twilight Zone, I tell ya...