Monday, April 11, 2005

Genesis: The birth of the blog

In the beginning, there was Ari. God made Ari, just like God made all things, and saw that it was good. "It" being all creation, including Ari...that would be me.

I don't know. I have a sneaking suspicion God has a sense of humor and likes to laugh at a select few of us, especially me. Before I get to my crazy misadventures, I'd like to point out how good I've got it...

1) I'm alive and healthy.
2) I have faith.
3) I have a loving family.
4) I have friends that care about me.
5) I'm educated.
6) I'm gainfully employed.
7) The weird and quirky things that happen to me are the extent of my problems in this world.

Great. Now that we've got that over with, on to the mayhem!

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